Qualifications & Education
Harris School of Art, Preston – 1963-65
Central School of Arts & Crafts, London – 1965-66
Diploma in Art & Design in Painting, Camberwell School of Arts & Crafts, London – 1966-1968
MA in Printmaking, Royal College of Art, London – 1969-1972
Arts Council of Great Britain
Birds Charity Royal Academy of Arts
Laing Landscape Competition
The Saunders ‘Artist in Watercolour’
Public Collections
Bibliotecha di Gorgonzola, Italy
Bolton Museum, Lancashire
Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, County Durham
Camden Borough, London
Chelmsford and Essex Museum
Denmark Post Museum, Copenhagen
Durham County Museum
Inner London Education Authority
Liechtenstein State Museum
Liverpool University
Norfolk Education Authority
North Virginia University USA
Nottingham Education Authority
Nuffield Foundation
Royal College of Art, London
Saint-Lo Museum, France
South Yorkshire District Council, Barnsley
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
West Yorkshire District Council, Wakefield
Worcester Museum and Art Gallery
Corporate Collections
Deutsche Leasing A.G., Frankfurt
International Playgroup, New York
Mitshikoshi, Tokyo
Rachtsaawalt Porsch, Dusseldorf
Williams and Glynn’s Bank Plc London
Solo Exhibitions
Erica Bourne Gallery, London
Jason Biggs Gallery, London
Greenwich Theatre Gallery, London
Hampstead Theatre Gallery,
London Anthony Dawson, London
‘Das Bilderhaus’, Frankfurt
Brigitte Porsch Gallery, Dusseldorf
Byre Theatre, St Andrews
Selected Group Exhibitions
Five Young Artists, Greenwich Theatre Gallery, London
Young Contemporaries, F.B.A Gallery, London
Young Contemporaries, Royal Academy, London
Three Schools’ Royal Academy of Arts, London
Northern Young Contemporaries, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester
B.E.A Painting Competition, I.C.A., London
Small Paintings, Bull’s Eye Gallery, Lichfield
London Group, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London
Chichester National Art Competition, Chichester
The English Landscape, Usher Gallery, Lincoln
Young Artist, International Play Group, New York
Pictures for Schools, Cardiff City Art Gallery
Pictures to Take Home, Camden Arts Centre
Mitshikoshi, Tokyo
Paintings for Hospitals, Nuffield Foundation
Consortium, Holey Hal, Wakefield
Buildings and landscapes, Building Centre, London
Spirit of London, Festival Hall, London
A.D.85, Barbican Arts Centre, London
150th Anniversary of The Royal College of Art, Barbican Arts Centre, London
South London Open, South London Art Gallery
Coast Lines, Towner Art Gallery, Eastbourne
Southwark Open, Cafe Gallery, London
South Bank Painting Competition, Festival Hall, London
Battersea Open, London
Art in Bloom, Kirkcaldy Art Gallery
Paperwork 6, Seagate Gallery, Dundee
Post Denmark Mail Art, Copenhagen
Gallery Beljaevo, Moscow
Bel Atlantic Gallery, North Virginia, USA
Biblioteca di Gorgonzola, Italy
The End of the Line, Saint-Lo, France
Helen Keller International Award, Strathclyde University, Glasgow
Contemporary Scottish Art, The Chambers Gallery, London
The Aspect Prize, Paisley Art Gallery